Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a NDIS support so you can live in accommodation with other people, or on your own, and receive support and services to live life on your terms.

SIL is different to Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), which refers to living in a physical house and is funded separately. We can also help with SDA - more detail about this below!

The kind of SIL support you receive will be different depending on your individual needs, but can include:

  • Moving into your own home for the first time
  • Learning to live in your own home
  • Household tasks like:
    • Cleaning, laundry and looking after your home
    • Nutrition, cooking and healthy eating
  • Personal care, such as showering, dressing and getting ready for the day
  • Travelling to and from appointments
  • Assistance with taking medication
  • Connecting with friends in the community
  • Learning to catch public transport

Our SIL services are focused on making sure we support you to achieve what you want, and be part of an inclusive community.